My thoughts on TrapC
Today, I came across this proposal for a new language/language extension to C/C++ that claims memory safety. Here’s some of my thoughts on it.
exploring the world with 1s and 0s
Today, I came across this proposal for a new language/language extension to C/C++ that claims memory safety. Here’s some of my thoughts on it.
As I continue to build an automatic checkpointing solution for python scripts,
I ran into an interesting issue involving references to __main__
Have you ever ran a long-running script, only to decide after it completes that there’s some other operation you wish you’d included, or maybe there’s a bug causing the script to crash, throwing away your intermediate results in the process? Automatic checkpointing could be a viable solution for you!
I recently had a slow python script that seemed like a good workload to accelerate on the GPU. This post goes over some of my thoughts regarding that experience!
Lately, I’ve been watching Orb: On the Movements of the Earth, an anime about astronomers researching heliocentric theories while evading religious persecution. I wanted to explore how geocentric orbits looked, and also view what maps of space might have looked like from other planets.
On my phone I’ve got waay to many open tabs because I use my tabs as a “read later” list. Well, later is now, so it’s time to read and summarize every open tab I have.
LLVM IR is a graph representation of a program, can we use existing graph DB languages to build better compiler infrastructure?
I’ve been daydreaming about seamless integration between Python and shells (e.g. Bash). Existing solutions like Xonsh never seem to work the way I expect. In this post, I aim to outline what I want, and some little mad-science style experiments I’ve done to try out some ideas.
On the final installment of my quest to build a GPU accelerated PCAP parser/filtering engine, I turn
, and explore Rust’s FFI capabilities.
All cores are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Happy 2025! It’s time to look back and reflect on 2024 - did I accomplish what I wanted to? Do I know what I want to do differently?
I revisit an old artistic exploration with some new tools. The circles speak to me once again.
In this post, I (mostly) complete my port of nvParse to Rust.
In this post, I continue implementing a parser on the GPU and take steps to hide the latency of transferring data to the GPU. Additionally, I explore Rust’s code generation mechanisms to simplify running compute shaders.
GPUs are good at massively parallel operations. Parsing is often parallelizable, can parsers be written on the GPU?
has too much overhead for some usecases - in this post, I will examine why and use Rust
to build a better solution.
Argument parsing in the shell doesn’t have to suck, so I made it not suck.
For a long time, I’ve wanted to cycle 100mi in a single ride, and this past weekend, I finally did. Here’s a small write-up on my experience.
We’re 3 quarters of the way through the year! What’s the vibe heading into the final sprint?
At work we encountered a strange issue where reading from STDIN
on a process
that calls MPI_Comm_Spawn
causes the program to crash. The solution was
non-obvious, so I thought I’d share my fix here for other MPICH
Ever wanted to write LLVM passes in python? With PyLLVMPass you can!
My thoughts on Refined Input, Degraded Output
Strengthening the assembly and programming!
Finishing assembly! This was not as easy as I expected…
Fixing up the board and writing some basic firmware
From beyond the grave, I hear it’s call…. 4 years later, I return to a project with a renewed fire.
As Q2 of 2024 draws to a close, it’s a good time to look back and reflect. Have I continued the progress I started in Q1? What can I do better?
Sometimes I look at the code I’ve written and I know I’m going to hell.
Is it possible to increase bandwidth between two containers by taking advantage of multiple routes between them?
My thoughts on Object Graph Programming
My thoughts on Cntr: Lightweight OS Containers
Over the years I’ve developed my own patterns in using git, which I thought I’d document here.
Lately, I’ve been playing around with JanusGraph. I’ve been trying to determine the best way to load the LDBC SNB dataset, and it hasn’t been as straightforward as I expected.
It can be tricky to pass values defined globally in python to code in natively built extensions when using numba’s intrinsics. This blogpost shows two possible solutions.
As Q1 of 2024 draws to a close, it’s a good time to look back and reflect. Have I held up the resolutions I picked at the end of last year? Whats kind of progress have I made? What are areas I’d like to improve in?
My thoughts on Degrading Data to Save the Planet
HyperLogLog is an algorithm for estimating cardinality of multisets. Notably, the algorithm only uses \(O(1)\) space. Join me on a journey to understand it by implementing it!
My thoughts on Pond: CXL-Based Memory Pooling Systems for Cloud Platforms
My thoughts on Tree Indexing on Flash Disks
Introducing MonkeyWrench an AI-powered plugin for Firefox’s devtools.
My thoughts on Exploiting Nil-Externality for Fast Replicated Storage
Oftentimes, two python libraries may be incompatible due to conflicting
dependencies. Phrased another way, we want to support having multiple versions
of the same package available to a single project. Can we solve this problem
with some creative uses of venv
allows for binding the arguments of a function to a variable for
typing purposes. We can use that to improve type signatures of decorators!
New year, new resume? Join me as I rewrite my resume in HTML instead of \(\rm\LaTeX\)
It’s been a looong year. What have I been up to?
openCypher is a query language for property graph
databases. If you squint slightly, an HTML document describes a property graph.
Can we use openCypher
for webscraping?
Free yourself from the tyranny of QMK and complex tools to remap keyboards! Improve ergonomics! Bring the magic of layers to the masses!
I love reinstalling the OS on my machines. I absolutely can’t imagine a better way to spend my time than hunting down right nvidia driver.
It this cursed? Is this totally valid? Only way to know is to use it in prod.
Doing the AoC challenges, but using a new language every day!
What’s the fastest way to fill a Float32Array with random numbers?
Try out my circle packing project with your webcam!
In which the author finally “finishes” a project. We finally have real time circle packing!
Breathing life into what I thought was an abandonded project.
“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers?”
Let’s try to construct some fractals!
I totally ignored my plan from the previous post, and tried to parallelize things with WebGL. Read more to find out what happened!
a journey for aesthetics and speed
Two years ago I started writing an engine for a visual novel/rpg system. I totally forgot about it, and I’ve decided to start over. This post will dive into an analysis of what I got right and wrong the first time around and what learnings I have from an unfinished project.
I decided to sort my bookmarks and thought it might be fun to write about it.
I tried switching back to windows, it was an adventure.
Some patches from my video synthesizer
Flocks using day4’s butterflies for #genuary2021
It’s a dance party, but with polygons! (for #genuary2021)
Computing MSTs of planar graphs for #genuary2021
Exploring randomness for #genuary2021
Some looping animations made with my video synthesizer that have common properties.
Drawing some art with lines for #genuary2021
A looping animation made with my video synthesizer
A faster version of my pixelator
A quick tool to pixelate images with a limited color palette
Revisiting day4’s butterflies for #genuary2021
Making a collage using picsum for #genuary2021
Combining two prompts of #genuary2021 into a audio based tree generator!
Inspired by the CMake raytracer, I ported it to bash.
Playing around with L-Systems for #genuary2021
Drawing triangles for #genuary2021
Another day of #genuary - this time with vaporwave
I saw #genuary2021 on twitter and wanted in on the fun.
It’s been about 1.5 years since I graduated! Here are some things that I wish I’d learned, or that I wish were taught in school.
Some experiments with my favorite fractal!
It’s been 6 months since I entered the “new normal”, what have I been up to?
Playing around with the illusion of color
Can’t call myself a math nerd without doing this right?
I’ve built some mechanical keyboards before, but maybe it’s time I built one from scratch.
I was recently shown the following statement and wanted to prove it. Given a circle of radius \(r\) centered at the origin, for \( \forall p \in (-r, r)\) , construct two semi circles that intersect uniquely at \((p, 0)\), such that each semi circle only intersects with the circle of radius \(r\) exactly twice, and each semicircle’s centers are on the x-axis. The sum of the areas of the two semicircles is half the area of the enclosing circle (\(\frac{\pi r^2}{2}\)). This post is a proof with visualizations!
Happy \( \pi \) day! In the spirit of \( \pi \) day, I wanted to compute the millionth digit of \( \pi \) using my GPU!
In my continued efforts to learn webGL, I wanted to make an engine for conway’s game of life. Click on this post for final result!
I’ve been trying to re-learn webGL lately. To get myself started, I’ve been trying to implement some simple visual effects as fragment shaders. In this post I’m going to be detailing how I made a hexel effect.
Recently, I came across this post which I found pretty interesting as a fellow owner of a arduino UNO. I also had a few cherry switches left over from a recent mechanical keyboard build, so I wanted to try my hand at building a keyboard/mouse from scratch as a learning exercise. You can find my current progress on this project over at
Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since I’ve updated my website (probably should more often…I’m paying for the hosting anyway…). Today I’d like to share with y’all something short and silly I made while trying to not think about my midterms. I’ve decided to try writing this in a tutorial format, with the intended readers being people who’re new to bash scripting.
Building a FUSE filesystem interface to mangareader
Hi all, it’s been a while since my last post. (Un)fortunately this isn’t a post about my more exciting Haskell project, but about a quick terminal enhancement I cooked up today!
Hello, my possibly (probably) nonexistant readers! It’s been a while since I’ve written anything. For starters, happy new year!
I was playing around with d3.js and made this animation thing. Move the cursor to experience it and click to see the code!
Recently, I’ve been playing around with my .bashrc file on my laptop and trying to make the time I spend at my laptop a little more exciting. Additionaly, I’ve been a huge fan of the pokemon franchise since I was young enough to frolick through meadows without incurring strange looks from others. I decided to bring the world of pokemon into my terminal.
I recently made a chrome extension called smartZoom which makes chrome set the browser’s zoom level based off of the user’s proximity to their laptop using getUserMedia. While I wouldn’t say it’s entirely complete and working they way I want it to, it can definately be considered a proof of concept.
This post details how I made the CameraTheremin. I hope you find it useful.